I continue with quantum computing exercises from Quantum Katas. In this post, I work on qubits and gates exercises. I’ll use Julia language with Yao quantum computing simulation package to complete these tasks.


Following katas use single-qubit gates. These quantum gates are the quantum counterpart to classical logic gates, acting as the building blocks of quantum algorithms. Quantum gates transform qubit states in various ways, and can be applied sequentially to perform complex quantum calculations.


I’ll start by importing Yao package functionality. I’ll also use SymEngine package to leverage YaoSym functionality, a symbolic computation backend. The symbolic backend may be not very computationally efficient, but it provides better visual output.

using Yao
using SymEngine


The following example is reproduced from the Qubit notebook.

# q = ArrayReg(bit"0") # another way do describe qubit in Yao
q = ket"0"
state(q) # a state of the qubit represented as vector
2×1 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Basic, Int64} with 1 stored entry:
q |> X
q |> H
0.71|0⟩ + -0.71|1⟩
q |> S
0.71|0⟩ + 0.0|1⟩
q |> Rx(2.0)
-0.21|0⟩ + 0.0|1⟩
q |> Ry(1.0)
0.47im|0⟩ + -0.1|1⟩

Single-Qubit Gates

The following exercises come from Single-Qubit Gates tutorial are designed to test your understanding of the quantum gate concepts.

Exercise 1: The gate $Y$

ψ = 2ket"0" + 3ket"1"
2.0|0⟩ + 3.0|1⟩
ψ |> Y
0.0|0⟩ + 2.0im|1⟩

Exercise 2: Applying a global phase $i$

Input: A qubit in an arbitrary state $|\psi\rangle = \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle$

Goal: Use several Pauli gates to change the qubit state to $i|\psi\rangle = i \alpha |0\rangle + i \beta |1\rangle$.

ψ = 2ket"0" + 3ket"1"
2.0|0⟩ + 3.0|1⟩
ψ |> Z |> Y |> X
2.0im|0⟩ + 3.0im|1⟩

Exercise 3: Applying a phase $-1$ to state $|0\rangle$

Input: A qubit in an arbitrary state $|\psi\rangle = \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle$

Goal: Use several Pauli gates to change the qubit state to $- \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle$.

ψ = 2ket"0" + 3ket"1"
2.0|0⟩ + 3.0|1⟩
ψ |> X |> Z |> X 
-2.0|0⟩ + 3.0|1⟩

Exercise 4: Preparing a state $| - \rangle$

Input: A qubit in a state $|0\rangle$

Goal: Transform the qubit into state to $|-\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( |0\rangle - |1\rangle \right)$.

ψ = ket"0"
ψ |> X |> H # or ψ |> H |> Z
0.71|0⟩ + -0.71|1⟩

Exercise 5: Three-fourths phase

Input: A qubit in an arbitrary state $|\psi\rangle = \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle$

Goal: Use several phase shift gates to apply the transformation represented by the following matrix to the given qubit: $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \ 0 & e^{3i \pi /4} \end{bmatrix}$

ψ = 2ket"0" + ket"1"
2.0|0⟩ + |1⟩
ψ |> S |> T
2.0|0⟩ + 0.71im|1⟩

Exercise 6: Preparing a rotated state

Input: Real numbers $\alpha$ and $\beta$ s.t. $\alpha^2 + \beta^2 = 1$, and a qubit in a state $|0\rangle$.

Goal: Use several Pauli gates to change the qubit state to $\alpha |0\rangle - i \beta |1\rangle$.

α, β = cos(π/6), cos(π/3)
(0.8660254037844387, 0.5000000000000001)
α^2 + β^2
ψ = ket"0"
ψ |> Rx(2*atan(β, α))
0.87|0⟩ + 0.0|1⟩

Exercise 7: Preparing an arbitrary state


Goal: Use several Pauli gates to change the qubit state to $\alpha |0\rangle + e^{i \theta} \beta |1\rangle$.

α = 0.5
β = (1-α^2)
θ = 0.25
ψ = ket"0"
ψ |> Ry(2*atan(β, α))
0.5|0⟩ + 0.87|1⟩
ψ |> exp(im * θ / 2) * Rz(θ)
0.5|0⟩ + (0.84 + 0.21im)|1⟩
(α)ket"0" + (exp(im * θ)*β)ket"1"  # for comparison
0.5|0⟩ + (0.84 + 0.21im)|1⟩

Basic Gates Kata

The following exercises come from Basic quantum computing gates notebook. The exercises covers the following topics:

Task 1.1: State flip: $|0\rangle$ to $|1\rangle$ and vice versa

Input: A qubit in an arbitrary state $|\psi\rangle = \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle$

Goal: Change the state of the qubit to $\alpha |1\rangle + \beta |0\rangle$.

ψ = 2ket"0" + 3ket"1"
2.0|0⟩ + 3.0|1⟩
ψ |> X
3.0|0⟩ + 2.0|1⟩
ψ |> X
2.0|0⟩ + 3.0|1⟩

Task 1.2. Basis change: $|0\rangle$ to $|+\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$ to $|-\rangle$ (and vice versa)

Input: A qubit in state $|\psi\rangle = \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle$.

Goal: Change the state of the qubit as follows:

ψ = ket"0"
ψ |> H
0.71|0⟩ + 0.71|1⟩
ψ = ket"1"
ψ |> H
0.71|0⟩ + -0.71|1⟩
ψ = 0.5ket"0" + 0.86ket"1"
0.5|0⟩ + 0.86|1⟩
ψ |> H
0.96|0⟩ + -0.25|1⟩

Task 1.3. Sign flip: $|+\rangle$ to $|-\rangle$ and vice versa.

Input: A qubit in state $|\psi\rangle = \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle$.

Goal : Change the qubit state to $\alpha |0\rangle - \beta |1\rangle$ (flip the sign of $|1\rangle$ component of the superposition).

ψ = 2ket"0" + 3ket"1"
2.0|0⟩ + 3.0|1⟩
ψ |> Z
2.0|0⟩ + -3.0|1⟩

Task 1.4. Amplitude change: $|0\rangle$ to $\cos{α} |0\rangle + \sin{α} |1\rangle$.


  1. Angle $\alpha$, in radians, represented as Double.
  2. A qubit in state $|\psi\rangle = \beta |0\rangle + \gamma |1\rangle$.

Goal: Change the state of the qubit as follows:

α = deg2rad(30)
cos(α), sin(α)
(0.8660254037844387, 0.49999999999999994)
ψ = ket"0"
ψ |> Ry(2α)
0.87|0⟩ + 0.5|1⟩
ψ = ket"1"
ψ |> Ry(2α)
-0.5|0⟩ + 0.87|1⟩
ψ = sin(α)ket"0" + cos(α)ket"1"
0.5|0⟩ + 0.87|1⟩
ψ |> Ry(2α)

Task 1.5. Phase flip

Input: A qubit in state $|\psi\rangle = \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle$.

Goal: Change the qubit state to $\alpha |0\rangle + \color{red}i\beta |1\rangle$ (add a relative phase $i$ to $|1\rangle$ component of the superposition).

ψ = sin(α)ket"0" + cos(α)ket"1"
0.5|0⟩ + 0.87|1⟩
ψ |> S
0.5|0⟩ + 0.87im|1⟩

Task 1.6. Phase change


  1. Angle $\alpha$, in radians, represented as Double.
  2. A qubit in state $|\psi\rangle = \beta |0\rangle + \gamma |1\rangle$.

Goal: Change the state of the qubit as follows:

α = deg2rad(30)
ψ = ket"0"
R1(θ) = exp(im * θ / 2) * Rz(θ) # a phase shift gate [1 0; 0 exp(iθ)]
R1(α) |> mat
2×2 LinearAlgebra.Diagonal{ComplexF64, Vector{ComplexF64}}:
 1.0+0.0im           ⋅    
     ⋅      0.866025+0.5im
ψ |> R1(α)
ψ = ket"1"
ψ |> R1(α)
(0.87 + 0.5im)|1⟩
ψ = ket"0" + ket"1"
|0⟩ + |1⟩
ψ |> R1(α)
|0⟩ + (0.87 + 0.5im)|1⟩

Task 1.7. Global phase change

Input: A qubit in state $|\psi\rangle = \beta |0\rangle + \gamma |1\rangle$.

Goal: Change the state of the qubit to $- \beta |0\rangle - \gamma |1\rangle$.

ψ = sin(α)ket"0" + cos(α)ket"1"
0.5|0⟩ + 0.87|1⟩
ψ |> rot(igate(1), 2π)
-0.5|0⟩ + -0.87|1⟩

Task 1.8. Bell state change - 1

Input: Two entangled qubits in Bell state $|\Phi^{+}\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \big(|00\rangle + |11\rangle\big)$.

Goal: Change the two-qubit state to $|\Phi^{-}\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \big(|00\rangle - |11\rangle\big)$.

Φ = normalize!(ket"00" + ket"11")
0.71|00⟩ + 0.71|11⟩
Φ |> chain(2, put(1=>Z)) # or Φ |> chain(2, put(2=>Z))
0.71|00⟩ + -0.71|11⟩

Task 1.9. Bell state change - 2

Input: Two entangled qubits in Bell state $|\Phi^{+}\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \big(|00\rangle + |11\rangle\big)$.

Goal: Change the two-qubit state to $|\Psi^{+}\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \big(|01\rangle + |10\rangle\big)$.

Φ = normalize!(ket"00" + ket"11")
0.71|00⟩ + 0.71|11⟩
Φ |> chain(2, put(2=>X)) # or Φ |> chain(2, put(1=>X))
0.71|01⟩ + 0.71|10⟩

Task 1.10. Bell state change - 3

Input: Two entangled qubits in Bell state $|\Phi^{+}\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \big(|00\rangle + |11\rangle\big)$.

Goal: Change the two-qubit state, without adding a global phase, to $|\Psi^{-}\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \big(|01\rangle - |10\rangle\big)$.

Φ = normalize!(ket"00" + ket"11") 
0.71|00⟩ + 0.71|11⟩
Φ |> chain(2, put(1=>Y), put(2=>rot(igate(1), π)))
0.71|01⟩ + -0.71|10⟩