MLE Optimization for Mixture Models


Mixture models are used for many purposes in data science, e.g. to represent feature distributions or spatial relations. Given a fixed data sample, one can fit a mixture model to it using one of a variety of methods. A very common mixture structure is based on Gaussian distributions, the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The expectation-minimization (EM) algorithm allows to find GMM parameters by maximizing model’s likelihood. This approach usually requires closed-form description of parameters’ estimates and have slow convergence to optimal solution. These limitation can be overcome by using (quasi-)Newton optimization. In conjunction with automatic differentiation (AD), finding optimal model parameters become trivial.


For modeling a collection of time series, another model based on a mixture of ARMA processes, Mixture of ARMA Models, can be used. Using similar MLE optimization and AD approach, we will show how to cluster time series.

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